The organization shall be known as Greater Hartford Progressive Democratic Women's Club (abbreviation: GHPDWC).
ARTICLE II: OJECTIVES 1. To support and promote the principles of the Democratic Party. 2. To encourage women to participate in every level of the Democratic Party structure. 3. To work with the Democratic Party Executive Committee 4. To assist in organizing and maintaining active Democratic Women’s organizations at the state, district and county levels. 5. To initiate and carry out programs and projects on behalf of the Democratic Party, and to promote the election of Democrats.
1. Women who are registered Democrats and involved in political activities on a voluntary basis may have their names submitted for consideration . Nominations for membership must be presented to the Membership Committee.
Section 2 • Following screening by the Membership Committee, nominations will be voted on by the general Club membership at a regular meeting. To be admitted to membership , a nominee must be approved by threefourths of the active members present at a regular meeting.
Section 3. A member is considered active in the Club when she fulfills the following obligations:
a. Full payment of dues and assessments
b. A members shall be in good standing so long as she fulfill the requirement of section
c. Support of the Organizations 's program by active participation in Clubs Sponsored Activities
Section 4 . A member becomes delinquent when she fails to meet her financial obligations or misses three consecutive meetings without ' just causes or fail to support the program of the Organization. A delinquent member may be reinstated upon vote of the Executive Committee' and the payment of all past dues and assessments.
Article IV Dues And Assessments
Section 1. The dues shall be $25.00 per year. Payable at the September meeting but no later than the October meeting. $3.00 of each members dues will be paid by the Treasurer to the Connecticut Federation of Democratic Women for their individual membership.
Section 2. No special assessments shall he levied on members except by vote of three-fourths of the active members present at a regular meeting of the organization.
Article V Meetings
Section 1. Meetings will be held on the 3rd Saturday of each month unless that meetings falls on a holiday.
Sec.1 Elected officers shall be as follows: President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. Appointed officers shall be a Corresponding Secretary and the Parliamentarian.
Sec. 2 In case the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice-President shall immediately assume that office for the remainder of the term.
Sec. 1 The officers of the GHPDWC shall perform the duties usually performed by such officers, together with such duties as shall be prescribed by the Bylaws or the Executive Board including the following responsibilities: (a) President: Shall have general supervision over the affairs of the GHPDWC. Shall appoint the Parliamentarian and Corresponding Secretary. Cosign all checks with the treasurer or other authorized person.
(b)Vice-President: Shall conduct meetings in the absence of the President and assist the President in carrying out her duties. Should the office of President become vacant, she shall succeed automatically to that office. Place her signature on record at the bank in order to sign checks in the absence of the President or the Treasurer. Shall serve as a member of a Standing/Special Committee.
(c) Treasurer: Shall cosign all checks with the President or other authorized persons. No less than thirty (30) days prior to the close of the fiscal year, the Treasurer shall send bills for the next fiscal year’s dues; she shall collect the same and notify the President and the Executive Board of states in arrears. She shall pay all bills, which have been approved by the President or the Executive Board. She shall submit to the Executive Board a quarterly statement of all receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer shall furnish a surety bond, which shall meet the requirements specified by the Executive Board. The bond premium shall be paid by the GHPDWC. The Treasurer’s books shall be audited at the end of each fiscal year by an Audit Committee consisting of three members, each from a different state, to be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.
(d) Recording Secretary: Shall be responsible for recording or having recorded the minutes of all meetings of the GHPDWC and all meetings of the Executive Board. She shall be the repository of such minutes and other communications as required or requested; including those from regional meetings.